WASHINGTON (AP) — El secretario de Defensa estadounidense Lloyd Austin fue hospitalizado de nuevo el domingo para tratar un problema de vejiga mientras sigue recuperándose de un cáncer de próstata, y transfirió su autoridad a su subsecretaria, informó el Pentágono. A Austin le diagnosticaron el cáncer en diciembre y se sometió a una intervención denominada prostatectomía para tratarlo el 22 …
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La llaman la musa del Carnaval de Río de Janeiro. Ella insiste en que es una misionera
RÍO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Con sus 2,7 metros de altura, Raquel Potí aparece con frecuencia en las portadas de revistas y periódicos brasileños. El sábado, la artista se puso un elaborado disfraz con plumas y se cubrió el cuerpo de purpurina dorada. En un momento dado tomó la delantera de la fiesta callejera, agitando sus alas arcoíris como si …
Read More »Christopher Nolan, Celine Song, AP’s Mstyslav Chernov win at Directors Guild Awards
Christopher Nolan was awarded the top prize at the Directors Guild Awards for “Oppenheimer” Saturday, solidifying his front-runner status for next month’s Oscars. Other winners at the untelevised ceremony in Los Angeles included Celine Song, for first time directorial achievement for her romantic drama “Past Lives,” and Mstyslav Chernov for the documentary “ 20 Days in Mariupol, ” a joint …
Read More »Post-World Cup, Qatar is pressing ahead with labor reforms but concerns for migrant workers remain
DOHA, Qatar (AP) — When Qatar hosted the World Cup a little over a year ago, the wealthy emirate faced intense scrutiny over its human rights record, especially the treatment of migrant workers who helped build the glitzy stadiums. The issue has faded to the background as Qatar once again plays host to a major international soccer tournament – this …
Read More »Haley challenges Trump on her home turf in South Carolina as the Republican primary looms
CONWAY, S.C. (AP) — With two weeks to go before the South Carolina Republican primary, Nikki Haley is challenging Donald Trump on her home turf while the former president is turning to his familiar playbook of personal attacks as he tries to quash his last major rival for the nomination. Trump, turning his campaign focus to the southern state days …
Read More »For Native American activists, the Kansas City Chiefs have it all wrong
Rhonda LeValdo is exhausted, but she’s refusing to slow down. For the fourth time in five years, her hometown team and the focus of her decadeslong activism against the use of Native American imagery and references in sports is in the Super Bowl. As the Kansas City Chiefs prepare for Sunday’s big game, so does LeValdo. She and dozens of …
Read More »Ataque ruso con dron deja al menos siete muertos en Járkiv, la segunda ciudad de Ucrania
KIEV, Ucrania (AP) — Un ataque ruso con aviones no tripulados alcanzó Járkiv, la segunda ciudad más grande de Ucrania, y mató a al menos siete personas durante la noche, incluyendo tres niños, reportó el sábado el gobernador de la región homónima, Oleh Syniehubov. Syniehubov señaló que se lanzaron al menos 10 drones contra Járkiv, ocho de los cuales fueron …
Read More »Martinelli, expresidente condenado por lavado que aspira desde el asilo a gobernar Panamá de nuevo
CIUDAD DE PANAMÁ (AP) — Ni una condena a 10 años de cárcel por blanqueo de capitales ni vivir como asilado político en la embajada de Nicaragua han truncado las aspiraciones del expresidente Ricardo Martinelli de volver a gobernar Panamá. Aunque ese escenario es improbable, de acuerdo a los pronunciamientos de las autoridades electorales panameñas y al marco legal del …
Read More »Nearly 200 abused corpses were found at a funeral home. Why did it take authorities years to act?
DENVER (AP) — A county coroner reported suspicions about bodies being poorly treated by a Colorado funeral home more than three years before nearly 200 decomposing bodies were discovered inside a decrepit building in October, according to newly unsealed court documents that raise questions about how the mistreatment of corpses was able to continue for so long. The concerns raised …
Read More »Never mind the mess, Carnival kicks off in Rio de Janeiro with coronation of King Momo
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — To thunderous applause, Rio de Janeiro’s mayor coronated King Momo on Friday, marking the beginning of the symbolic Carnival monarch’s five-day reign over the revelry. “I officially declare Carnival 2024 open!” King Momo said after Mayor Eduardo Paes bestowed upon him a gigantic, silver and gold key. Confetti flew in a hall of the Palace …
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