WASHINGTON (AP) — The Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday that it expects the federal budget deficit to drop by $188 billion this fiscal year to $1.5 trillion, a short-lived dip as the annual shortfall is likely to rise over the next nine years. Two major factors are behind the decline in the budget deficit this year, each of them one-off …
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Russia attacks targets across Ukraine with missiles and drones as EU’s top diplomat visits Kyiv
KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russia fired cruise and ballistic missiles and Shahed-type drones at six regions across Ukraine on Wednesday morning, authorities reported, killing at least five civilians and wounding almost 50 others, including a pregnant woman. The attacks hit at least three major cities, including the capital, Kyiv, where the European Union’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, was discussing military …
Read More »What’s next for Jennifer and James Crumbley, the parents of the Michigan school shooter?
PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) — A conviction in the unprecedented trial of a Michigan school shooter’s mother will stand as a milestone to law enforcers across the U.S. as well as a stark reminder to parents with guns in their home. But experts who followed Jennifer Crumbley’s involuntary manslaughter case note that events related to the Oxford High School attack were …
Read More »A Georgia sheriff’s deputy was killed in a wreck while responding to a call
LIZELLA, Ga. (AP) — A sheriff’s deputy died Tuesday night after hitting another car while responding to a call in middle Georgia. Local news outlets report Crawford County Deputy Timothy Tavarus Rivers was responding to a call to assist another officer when he crossed the center line on a road south of Lizella. Rivers tried to correct his path and …
Read More »Tensión con fiscal, telón de fondo de la denuncia de Petro sobre presiones que buscan su salida
BOGOTÁ (AP) — El último episodio de la constante tensión entre el presidente colombiano Gustavo Petro y el fiscal general Francisco Barbosa derivó en una advertencia del mandatario sobre una “ruptura institucional”, por lo que convocó a sus partidarios a las calles. Barbosa, un abierto crítico de Petro, tiene en sus manos varios procesos que involucran a la familia del …
Read More »Perro ataca niños en parque al norte de Tokio
TOKIO (AP) — Un perro callejero el miércoles atacó a 11 personas, en su mayoría niños que jugaban en un parque al norte de Tokio, y les causó heridas leves, informaron los bomberos. El personal de bomberos acudió al lugar tras recibir un pedido de ambulancia de la policía para un hombre de unos 40 años que sufrió una mordedura …
Read More »El presidente de Bolivia promulga ley para elecciones judiciales tras protestas
LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) — El presidente de Bolivia, Luis Arce, promulgó el martes una ley para convocar elecciones judiciales con el desafío de garantizar la independencia del Poder Judicial, después de más de dos semanas de protestas que paralizaron el centro del país convocadas por seguidores, de su mentor, el expresidente Evo Morales. “Resuelto este problema, ya tenemos una …
Read More »Man who was ticketed for shouting at police to turn on headlights can sue, appeals court rules
BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — A man who sued Buffalo police after he was ticketed for shouting at an officer to turn on his headlights can move forward with his legal action, an appeals court ruled. The decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals last week reversed a ruling by a U.S. district judge in Buffalo who had dismissed the case, …
Read More »Police in Indian-controlled Kashmir say militants fire on workers from Punjab state, killing 1
SRINAGAR, India (AP) — Militants in Indian-controlled Kashmir fired at two workers from the northern state of Punjab, killing one and wounding another, police said Wednesday. Police blamed militants fighting against Indian rule in the disputed region for the attack in Srinagar. Officials did not immediately give further details. Kashmir has witnessed a spate of targeted killings since October 2019, …
Read More »Rusia afirma que el exconductor de Fox News Tucker Carlson entrevistó a Vladímir Putin
El presidente ruso Vladímir Putin fue entrevistado por el expresentador de Fox News Tucker Carlson, confirmó el Kremlin el miércoles. Es la primera entrevista de Putin con una figura de la prensa occidental desde que ordenó la invasión a Ucrania hace dos años. Carlson publicó el martes un video desde Moscú en el que dijo que entrevistaría a Putin. Afirmó …
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